Rotating Earth GIF

GIF not available

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This image is a GIF of planet earth rotating in space
I find it really well made, I like the animation of the earth rotating, it's cool
This image uses the GIF format

Charactersitics of GIF format

  1. Graphics Interchange Format
  2. best for Art or Logos
  3. 256 Colors Max
  4. Can be animated
  5. Supports transparent color

Pine Tree PNG

PNG not available

This image was obtained from

This is a PNG image of a dead pine tree
I find it interesting that the background of this image is transparent so we can see the background color of the web page
This image is in PNG format

Charactersitics of PNG format

  1. Portable Network Graphic
  2. Millions of colors
  3. Multiple levels of transparency
  4. Combines best of GIF and JPG

Sunflower JPG

JPG image unavailable

This image was obtained from

This is a JPG image of a Sunflower with a beautiful blue sky behind it
I like the vibrancy of the colors in this picture
This image is in JPG format

Characteristics of JPG format

  1. Joint Photographic Experts Group
  2. best for photographs
  3. 16.7 million colors
  4. No transparency